Top 9 Fun Facts You Should Know About Nero In Black Clover.

Top 9 Fun Facts You Should Know About Nero In Black Clover.

Nero is actually a human named Secre Swallowtail, who is just as adorable as her anti-magic bird form! So, if you didn’t know those interesting facts before, now you do. We knew Nero was important from the beginning of the series. Nero appears to be Asta’s acquaintance at first glance. She makes it a point to be around him, even constructing a nest in his room.

When the anti-magic bird is noticed by the rest of the Black Bull squad, they decide it needs a name. Since that naming, they’ve all regarded her as a part of their magic knight squad, unbeknownst to Nero. Let’s get some amusing facts about this human-turned anti-magic bird now that we’ve covered her backstory.

  1. Age

When it comes to Nero, they say that knowledge is power, yet nothing could be further from the truth. Nero had lived for a little more than 5 centuries or 500 years. What has she been up to all this time, though? Are you looking for a person who can shatter Lemiel’s seal? Are you looking for the same magical stones to undo the same seal?

We don’t know at this time, although one could speculate that she’s gone far and wide. It’s reasonable to assume that Nero had the time and motivation to investigate the prohibited magic and stones.

  1. Appearance

 Top 9 Fun Facts You Should Know About Nero In Black Clover.

Let’s start with Nero’s adorably cute appearance. Nero’s look differs from that of a conventional anti-magic bird. This adorable creature has upturned horns and two arrow-shaped tail feathers. Two strands protrude from the top of her head, looking more like hair than feathers.

Noelle is fixated with Nero and can’t take her gaze away from him. This anti-magic bird exudes attitude if you haven’t noticed. Unless she’s rapidly pecking at Asta, Nero has a deadpanned expression the entire time. Noelle’s favorite expression is this one.

  1. Personality

A fun tidbit about Nero is that he is a slug! Her deadpanned face carries over into her human form as well. Her emotionless output is due to her indifferent disposition; nevertheless, we observe a shift when she harasses Asta when she is irritated with him.

Nero is on the lookout for magical stones and assists Asta in locating anti-magic weaponry, but that’s the extent of her assistance. She’s usually perched on Asta’s head or standing on the sidelines watching him struggle against powerful adversaries.

  1. Familiarity

 Top 9 Fun Facts You Should Know About Nero In Black Clover.

Nero, Asta’s constant companion, and anti-magic bird, is frequently found nesting in his hair or perching on his shoulder. She sleeps in his room in her nest while they aren’t traveling. They aren’t very close, but they are aware of one other’s needs.

Nero hides in Asta’s clothes, which is a fun fact. In anti-bird form, she’s self-aware, so how close are these two? Particularly when Nero morphs into Secre, which makes us doubt their skinship. Secre is unconcerned about her relationship with Asta, but Noelle is well aware of their similarities.

  1. Magic Stones

There are inconsistencies in Secre’s account from the moment she utilizes the magic stones until the time she transforms into an anti-magic bird. Where do the magical stones end up? We know that the devil Zagred uses the last of his time to put a reincarnation spell on the stones and that Secre seals Lemiel with them.

Nero was the one who sealed the demon and Lemiel together. Secre loses track of the stones in what way? They could have chosen Zagred and not been blown away, at least not to our knowledge. So, where were those magical stones over those five centuries?

  1. Invisible Chain

Puffed-up feathers on Nero’s neck are part of his character design. Fun fact: it’s been suggested that this represents a collar. The meaning of this theorization has sparked a plethora of theories and conjecture. It could be interpreted as a sign for the price of utilizing forbidden magic.

This collar could possibly be a nod to her enchantment. In many respects, she is the hero of the day because she specializes in sealing magic. By imprisoning both the devil and Lemiel, she appears to be imprisoning herself as well.

  1. Magic Tools

Lemiel is fascinated with magic instruments and how individuals can utilize them. Secre researched and assisted him with magic instrument research and constructions as his servant. Brooms and wands are the most frequent forms of magic instruments as a starting point.

Secre invented the magical device that allowed the Wizard King to save his temporal magic. Julius Novachrono ensures that he will live even if he dies by stockpiling time magic. When he is beaten and reincarnates as a younger version of himself, we see this. He may look like a brat, but he’s a middle-aged man.

  1. Hero Status

Secre transforms into an anti-magic bird when prohibited magic is used too much. She studied magic instruments with Lemiel when Nero was known as Secre and was a servant to the first known Wizard King. Secre uses magic stones to confine Lemiel after he was fatally harmed, and they provide the spark for Licht’s transformation into a huge demon.

Even if Zagred uses rebirth magic on the elves, plays with Patolli’s emotions, and then resurrects to cause havoc, Secre deserves her hero rank for her involvement in putting the demon away in the first place.

  1. Shadow Palace

Once the Shadow Palace arrives, Nero is able to talk. The Shadow Palace is a mythical region that exists somewhere between the living and the dead worlds. This raises the possibility of new speculations about Secre’s identity. Secre appears to be both alive and dead at the same moment as a result of this.

Why was her voice hidden, only to be revealed when the Shadow Palace appeared? We may not know the exact explanation, but we can make educated guesses. As part of the price for employing prohibited magic, her voice was locked in the same way she sealed the others – in a faraway region where no normal magic could breach.